Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Drive into the river Bob.

My week without parents has come to an end. They returned from their travels. Fun, eh?

So on thursday-friday, some friends and I are going to visit this college. To be honest, I really don't know what I want to do in college. I really don't know what to major in or anything. I've only chosen graphics design because it's fun, but I don't necessarily have a great desire to go into that field. I really want to do something with music, because it's all I ever think about and I'm always putting little tunes and lyrics together (most don't get finished though). But I don't think I have enough talent to actually MAJOR in it. Another thing about college is the expense. I mean, scholarships are for the really smart people and government funding is for those who can't afford to go to college at all. And all that money is being sucked up right now. So where does that leave me?? I really want to be able to go to a college away from here, but what will probably happen is I'll go to a local college for 2 years. Yuck.

I've been obsessed with saving every penny I own as of late. My job doesn't pay much, and I now have bills that I have to pay, so I try not to waste money on stuff. I need money for college.

So, last week, the Fed-ex guy didn't visit me at all. I was absolutely thrilled. XD But as I was walking from the library I passed a fed-ex truck that was parked. And I saw the driver, and I bolted. It was him. After his last visit I do not want to see him again. I mean COME ON! Don't go on and on about not being a stalker, then ask for my freaking phone number. I'm only working 1 day this week, and I pray that he does not come in.

So I'm doing this talent thing called Fine Arts Festival, and I'm trying to decide if I should enter this song my brother and I are working on. I'm already doing a poem and a human video. We only have the melody, no lyrics yet. I'm playing with lyric ideas, but nothing is fitting yet. And the deadline is early next month! I'm freaking out here. I don't want to make a fool of myself if this song isn't perfect. So if I mess up....yeah I don't want to think about that. I try not to think about certain things. I have no time to lately, and I like it that way.

*sigh* I should probably start working on C's necklace. Who knows how long that's gonna take. Time flies, and I don't want her birthday to go by and it not be done.


  1. You sound very busy. Good luck on the college. I hope you get to do what you want. Most of my friends in graphic design can't find a job. Maybe they just aren't good enough. You just never know though when an opportunity might come your way though.

    thanks for the note. Hope you get that present done for your friend.

  2. So much to look forward to. Hope the song goes well, too. Thanks for the note.

  3. A lot of people go to college still not knowing what they want to do. It's perfectly normal.

    The Fed-Ex guy stalks you?! Creepy!

  4. Just get in there and get those basic credits and then decide a semster or two later..there was even a show about it...Undeclared..just couldn't help myself. I did love the show.

    Of course, I don't see myself leaving home when I graduate. I'll have to probably stay home and go to college that way.
