Saturday, February 28, 2009

Electric blue in a sea of pink

So I was driving down my road, coming home from work the other day, and a Fed-ex truck was coming the opposite way. Not unusual, packages come for my neighbors all the time. I look at the driver, and who do you think it was? Yeah, I quickly looked the other way. I don't want him knowing I live on that road. What a creep.

Water with a little bit of lemmon concentrate is my drug. Drinking some now...

I love saturday mornings. I get to see my cousins. My uncle's nickname is B.U.M. Bad uncle M. (as opposed to Good uncle M) But now that he had his foot amputated, we might start calling him P.L.U.M. Peg leg uncle M. Personally I think B.U.M. fits him better. Ugh, I want my cousin's red skinny jeans.

So yesterday someone thought I looked like a movie star...interesting. I wasn't even dressed up, just an electric blue t-shirt, black jeans, and a light blue scarf (that I made).

For some reason, everyone on my dad's side of the family thinks I'm emo. I'm not emo, even though I have serious emo undertones. I mean, can I help it if my hair is a diffrent color than theirs and I wear clothes that they don't? Bahaha I think I'm converting Beckster. She's been buying more clothes that I would wear lately. :P I'm just that awesome.

And my latest stunt didn't really help my argument. They all somehow found out through the grapevine about my salt burn. THANK YOU JOE FOR PICKING THE BIGGEST ICE CHUNK IN EXISTANCE!

I've been in a really sarcastic and cynical mood lately....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Can you say: AWKWARD!

What up with the Fed-Ex guy? Everyday I'm at work this Fed-Ex guy comes in and says "hi". He's really nice and stuff. He brought me candy on Valentine's Day, and is trying to get me an internship at this graphics design store he delivers to. Apparently I "brighten his day." Now I'm all for friendships and stuff, but EVERYDAY? I wouldn't mind seeing him like once or twice a week, but everyday I work is just too much. Everytime he comes in it takes up like 20 min of my time. Apparently he's got a granddaughter with the same name as me, and is around the same age. Ya know, I really probably wouldn't mind if he was in his 20s and was REALLY cute, but he's like 60. o0o there's this guy who works next door that is really cute. SHANIQUA I FOUND YOU A GUY! =]

Moving on. You know what I HATE? When people don't answer my texts. It annoys the crap out of me. You wouldn't ignore me irl would you? nope.

The sky outside is an interesting grey I like it. Makes me want to write a poem about it...I'll get to that later. Maybe I'll post it.

Applying for colleges is annoying. You gotta write an essay on why you would like to go to their school and I'm like "I don't want to go to your school, my mom is making me apply here as another option." Then after you apply, you get these phone calls from the school giving you the third degree. At least I got a free t-shirt from one of them. =] AND it actually fits! None of my free t-shirts in the past have ever fit me. They've always been like 10 sizes bigger than me. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm so skinny either...but whatever.

I hate realistic dreams, they ruin reality.

One more week and I get facebook back!! WHOOT!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I have an overdeveloped case of Senioritis.....

Day 10 and my "little" salt burn is still there. Definately not the smartest move I ever made. I try to keep it as hidden as possible. Everytime my parents see it, especially my dad, it starts them off in this whole "I can't believe you did that" and "you're going to be permanently scarred." Learn from my experience: DON'T TAKE DARES THAT WILL HARM YOURSELF!!!

Anywhooo, post 19 is up on my story (finally). I hate writer's blocks. Also my crazy life has gotten in the way of it. Which is nice I suppose. It helps me get my mind off of um...other things.....

I think I did like 400 texts yesterday. Not quite sure because I had to delete a whole bunch so as to make room for new ones. But it was definately somewhere around that number.

So I sent Cady a good morning text this morning with a pretty funny picture of me. Hope she didn't die from shock. That wasn't exactly the affect I was going for.

BAHAHAHAHA wanna roll on the floor laughing? Trust me you will after you read this.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Night. Don't let the communist micro-chipped bugs bite.

Cady: clearly, you're in need of a shoulder to cry on
Cady: one who doesn't get annoyed by long comments

Alayna: and who's always there for me to talk to

Cady: and will listen despite the huge difference in your ages

Alayna: and who will graciously delete my comments so no one else can pry into my private life

Cady: dude . . . that's why we have MESSAGES.

Alayna: so he sends me a message about an e-mail address
Alayna: which i have not yet responded to
Alayna: and probably never will

Cady: Wow. I didn't know you were still living in 1999.

Alayna: dude you're so modern...i wish i was as technically advanced as you

Cady: LOL . . . my friend told me that Britney Spears had a song called "Email My Heart"

Alayna: why not send it on the back of a snail?
Alayna: clearly that's the fastest way to get it somewhere

Cady: might as well stick it in a bottle and dump it in the ocean
Cady: it'll get there
Cady: eventually

Alayna: if not, then it was never meant to be
Alayna: but of course we'd never ever let this escape our lips
Alayna: we'd blame it on the evil forces of nature
Alayna: who are out to get us and turn our children into minions

Cady: and make us jaded waitresses in a run-down 50s diner

Alayna: crap i'm in a mood...
Alayna: that freak sure knows how to ruin my day

Cady: MAN. I want to reply to him!

Alayna: if i want you to be my friend, i'll send you a gilded invitation

Cady: engraved
Cady: with stickers on it

Alayna: with my personal signature
Alayna: and spray it with my favorite perfume

Cady: and add a smiley face\

Alayna: let's not go overboard shall we?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

I didn't cry. I thought I would, but I didn't. It's not like I couldn't cry, I just didn't let myself. My eyes got a little watery, but I refused to let them overflow. Somehow I knew it would happen. Somehow I always know these things. But does anyone believe me? No. They call it coincidence. It's like a 6th sense. Like when I knew I was going to see a friend of mine, even though I had no plans or proof, and yet I still ran into them. Or when I knew I'd get this job. I've lost track of how many times this 6th sense has proved me right, and I can't remember any times where it didn't. Do they believe me now? Pff, no.

Two steps forward twenty steps back
Screw up and you die, simple as that

I put the fun in funeral

It seems like I'm always complaining. And how pathetic am I that I'm complaining that I'm complaining? Very.

So I really hate when people breath really heavy...and I don't mean after they've run 20 miles. Just their normal breathing is heavy. Is this wierd?

So I went snowboarding these last two days, and I decided to kick it up a notch. I already am a speed demon, so I decided to get better at jumps and the half-pipe. My first run down the half-pipe, I got the snot kicked out of back was all raw and bleeding in two spots. But the good news is I did it like 4 more times and twice I did it without falling. XD I landed most of the jumps on the terrain park too. But I took alot of falls. But like everything else in life, you pick yourself up and try again, because if you don't do it right away, you probably never will. You learn from your mistakes and are the better for it. Failing is a part of life. You just learn to deal with it. It's not an excuse for failure, but it is a consolation when you do fail.

This is the song stuck in my head. See if you recognize it:

"They call me quiet girl, but I'm a riot. Mary, Jo, Lisa, always the same..."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Farwell to yesterday

Little Locked Box of my Heart:

At first you were just a dream, a figment of my imagination. Imagine my surprise when I see you in real life. I waited so long to talk to you, but we're still strangers. The night is haunted by dreams of you. Most of them come true within a week. I'm beyond shock by now. You're in my mind 24/7. Each second is harder to live than the last. How much longer do I have to wait? I can't spend my life sitting here, waiting for you. I have to live my life. So I'll put you in a box, lock it up, and keep it in my heart. Now I'm as free as a bird. I'm no longer chained by thoughts of you. I'm alive once more. Someday you might love me, but until then, you'll remain in the little locked box of my heart.