Thursday, February 19, 2009

I put the fun in funeral

It seems like I'm always complaining. And how pathetic am I that I'm complaining that I'm complaining? Very.

So I really hate when people breath really heavy...and I don't mean after they've run 20 miles. Just their normal breathing is heavy. Is this wierd?

So I went snowboarding these last two days, and I decided to kick it up a notch. I already am a speed demon, so I decided to get better at jumps and the half-pipe. My first run down the half-pipe, I got the snot kicked out of back was all raw and bleeding in two spots. But the good news is I did it like 4 more times and twice I did it without falling. XD I landed most of the jumps on the terrain park too. But I took alot of falls. But like everything else in life, you pick yourself up and try again, because if you don't do it right away, you probably never will. You learn from your mistakes and are the better for it. Failing is a part of life. You just learn to deal with it. It's not an excuse for failure, but it is a consolation when you do fail.

This is the song stuck in my head. See if you recognize it:

"They call me quiet girl, but I'm a riot. Mary, Jo, Lisa, always the same..."

1 comment:

  1. That's not my name. THAT'S NOT MY NAME!

    I hate the breathing thing, too . . . BTW, did I tell you I revived CSATS? Yeah. We need to have a nice long talk about whatever. LOL.
