Friday, February 20, 2009

Night. Don't let the communist micro-chipped bugs bite.

Cady: clearly, you're in need of a shoulder to cry on
Cady: one who doesn't get annoyed by long comments

Alayna: and who's always there for me to talk to

Cady: and will listen despite the huge difference in your ages

Alayna: and who will graciously delete my comments so no one else can pry into my private life

Cady: dude . . . that's why we have MESSAGES.

Alayna: so he sends me a message about an e-mail address
Alayna: which i have not yet responded to
Alayna: and probably never will

Cady: Wow. I didn't know you were still living in 1999.

Alayna: dude you're so modern...i wish i was as technically advanced as you

Cady: LOL . . . my friend told me that Britney Spears had a song called "Email My Heart"

Alayna: why not send it on the back of a snail?
Alayna: clearly that's the fastest way to get it somewhere

Cady: might as well stick it in a bottle and dump it in the ocean
Cady: it'll get there
Cady: eventually

Alayna: if not, then it was never meant to be
Alayna: but of course we'd never ever let this escape our lips
Alayna: we'd blame it on the evil forces of nature
Alayna: who are out to get us and turn our children into minions

Cady: and make us jaded waitresses in a run-down 50s diner

Alayna: crap i'm in a mood...
Alayna: that freak sure knows how to ruin my day

Cady: MAN. I want to reply to him!

Alayna: if i want you to be my friend, i'll send you a gilded invitation

Cady: engraved
Cady: with stickers on it

Alayna: with my personal signature
Alayna: and spray it with my favorite perfume

Cady: and add a smiley face\

Alayna: let's not go overboard shall we?

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