Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I have an overdeveloped case of Senioritis.....

Day 10 and my "little" salt burn is still there. Definately not the smartest move I ever made. I try to keep it as hidden as possible. Everytime my parents see it, especially my dad, it starts them off in this whole "I can't believe you did that" and "you're going to be permanently scarred." Learn from my experience: DON'T TAKE DARES THAT WILL HARM YOURSELF!!!

Anywhooo, post 19 is up on my story (finally). I hate writer's blocks. Also my crazy life has gotten in the way of it. Which is nice I suppose. It helps me get my mind off of um...other things.....

I think I did like 400 texts yesterday. Not quite sure because I had to delete a whole bunch so as to make room for new ones. But it was definately somewhere around that number.

So I sent Cady a good morning text this morning with a pretty funny picture of me. Hope she didn't die from shock. That wasn't exactly the affect I was going for.

BAHAHAHAHA wanna roll on the floor laughing? Trust me you will after you read this.


  1. LOL, Snopes.

    And I changed it #8. Some. Not enough to notice. XD

    I liked my original rewrites and wanted to incorporate them into rewrite #3. So yeah.

  2. Thanks for the note. Good to hear that about you and your Mom. I just wondered how some people would take that subject..on parenting. Thanks.

    Great that you are over writers block now too.

  3. Speaking of senioritis, how is your school work coming along?

  4. i award you an award.
